MapRun Utilities
If something isn't working properly, you have questions, comments or requests - please feel free to contact me. Email image is at the bottom of the page!. Thanks
Here are some utilities to supplement or replace my windows based applications I use mostly related to MapRun.
Check out MapRun Tools on the MapRun site for additional links to various tools I and others have made.
If you use the fantastic on-line OpenOrienteering Map but need to get
more complex courses or update the map, here is a OOM->OOMapper->PP process to go from this tool to
OpenOrienteering Mapper (free mapping software) to
Purple Pen (free course setting software).
I also have a few shared applications/spreadsheets if you need something more elaborate:
A much more powerful QR
generator application provides the ability to produce QR codes from simple to complex "flag" type sheets. This is a Windows applications
so installing goes through the Windows multiple security warnings. The app and supporting document (which you can read without installing the actual appliction)
is available on this google drive QR Code Generator.
A MapRun functions application is available here MapRun Tools which includes a
number of conversions, the ability to shrink a KMZ (even with tiles) and a few other capabilities. As with the QR Generator, you can go through the documention
without installing the application. This drive folder also includes an Excel Spreedsheet that can read JSON based results and pre-parse fields (configurable) into a sheet for other uses.
Each App page has more details on functions and use
---Online Apps---
Extract CheckSite Waypoints into KML Files.
Clean up, sort and set Start Finish controls in a KML to the Maprun format:
Convert an IOFXML V3 or V2.0.3 course file (with geo-coordinates) to an ALL controls KML and any course KMLs:
QRCode generator with .PNG and/or .SVG Output - MapRun focused but can produce more general codes:
Course file to PPEN: Convert a course/All KML, IOFXML course file or GPX course file to a simple PPEN file
ÓR to IOFXML V3 (For import into LiveLox)
Questions, issues, comments, requests to: